Svalbard winter landscapes

Svalbard Winter landscapes April 10 - 18 2026

Svalbard in winter

We are doing a early Svalbard winter landscapes photography expedition on Svalbard in 2026 and welcome you to join us. Landscapes is a easy priority this time of the year. When that is said, also wildlife comes with the landscapes. Beautiful settings with polar bears walking across beautiful and scenic landscapes or in the drift ice will be situations we will have. It is daylight almost 24 hours a day but the light will be pink, violet, bluish and red, depending on the time of the day or the night.

Landscapes and wildlife

We will experience wildlife encounters in picture-perfect icy conditions on this Svalbard winter landscapes photography expedition. Wildlife like polar bears, walruses, bearded seals, arctic foxes and svalbard reindeers is possible to see, along with some migratory bird species arriving early. The light and landscapes with the wildlife in it will be our main goal. We also expect some close encounters with wildlife. We will try to do a few landings for Walrus photography, depending on the snow and ice conditions. This is an exclusive tour with maximum 12 guests onboard the MV Kinfish

Floe edge and pack ice

You will experience the Arctic silence while we anchor in the ice floe during a cold night, or while we are drifting during a night in the pack ice. Sometimes an Arctic fox passes on its evening hunt or a polar bear passes on the same route. Swimming walruses can visit the ship where we silently stay in these beautiful environments during the night.

Wondering what to expect on this Svalbard winter landscapes photography expedition? We can give you presentations online if you wish! Please get in touch for more information and to talk about what you can expect on email:


Dates: 10. Apr 2026 - 18. Apr 2026

Duration: 9 days

Available: 10 SPOTS

Embark: Longyearbyen, April 10, 16:00

Disembark: Longyearbyen, April 18, 09:00

Double cabins with private facilities

EUR 10 900 pr. pax.

Available spots might not be updated at all times. Please ask for update on how many cabins that still are available and which type of cabins by sending us an inquiry. The cabins are double shared cabins. WC and showers are private shared for ladies and private shared for men with good standard. In case you would like to book one of our double cabins as a single occupancy please ask us for the price.

Practical information

Estimated travel route during this photo tour


This Svalbard winter photography tour and itinerary will be planned in accordance with prevailing weather and ice conditions. The ice is still solid frozen in winter and we will adapt to these conditions. The sailing route will be along the west coast of Spitzbergen down south to Hornsund and as far north as possible.

Day 0 We always recommend to arrive Longyearbyen at least one day and night in advance.

Day 1 Departure from Longyearbyen throughout Isfjorden. Heading north or south, depending on the drift ice situation, into the drifting ice. We also search in the fjords we find interesting.

Day 1-8 We set course for the areas where we know we will meet the drift ice. No matter if we sail north or south this will be the focus. Some of the fjords and islands will be interesting to visit and we will search systematically for wildlife wherever we go. The fjords will still be frozen in this time of the year and we will see wildlife in these areas.

The route is just a estimate for where we can sail. This can, and probably will, be changed as we know this from our earlier expeditions.

Day 9 Leaving the ship after breakfast and prepare the travel home.

Ruter March April Svalbard

Svalbard winter pictures

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