Our Arctic passion goes beyond photography
At Arctic Wildlife Tours, our passion lies in exploring the Arctic and spending time with its incredible marine wildlife. For our founder, Svein, this is more than just a passion—it’s a lifelong mission to document and experience Arctic nature in its purest form. In the Be Inspired blog, we share our experiences, insights, and encounters with the Arctic’s remarkable wildlife, ever-changing seasons, and the unforgettable journeys we’ve embarked on. Whether you’re looking for inspiration, knowledge, or answers about Arctic wildlife photography, we hope you’ll find something valuable here.
At Arctic Wildlife Tours, we are committed to responsible nature tourism, ensuring that our presence has a positive impact on the Arctic environment. As we travel through this remote and fragile ecosystem, we do so with the utmost respect for the wildlife and their habitat. We believe that by observing and coexisting with Arctic marine animals in their natural surroundings, we gain a deeper understanding of their world—something that research alone cannot fully teach. Through these experiences, we hope to inspire a greater appreciation for the Arctic and encourage its protection for generations to come.

Polar Bear behaviour
Polar Bear behaviour Polar Bears are extraordinary animals. Almost nothing looks like it is normal about them; nothing the same as other animals on this…

Seasons and Light on Svalbard
Seasons and Light on Svalbard is something we often are asked about from our travelers. During the 6 months our expeditions range over, from April to october, we see large changes in the type of sunlight, weather conditions and wildlife migratory patterns.

National Geographic photographer Stefano Unterthiner
Stefano Unterthiner join us regularly for doing workshops we now have named Masterclass onboard. Stefano recently gave out his book about climate changes on Svalbard….

The return of the Walrus on Svalbard
The Walrus on Svalbard is one of the species we see more and more in Svalbard. The populations are growing after being almost exterminated back…

Photographer Ömer Acar on photographing polar bears and swimming in polar water
With a love for spending time in nature, and wanting to photograph wildlife in the arctic circles, Ömer Acar booked a trip to exotic Svalbard through Arctic Wildlife Tours AS.

Svalbard polar bears
Svalbard polar bears and plastic garbage During our expeditions on Svalbard we have seen Svalbard Polar Bears eating plastic several times. Where they have been…

Svalbard Seasons
Svalbard seasons timing We are often asked the questions, “When should I go to Svalbard?” and “When is the best time up there?”. Depending on…

Svalbard Photography Expedition Summer June 2018
Arctic Expedition June 2018 Aboard MS Freya we was lucky to explore the waters of Svalbard once again. After over 40 expeditions in the Svalbard…

Svalbard Photography Expedition Early Summer May 2018
Svalbard wildlife photography expedition in May 2018 Once again Arctic Wildlife Tours could bring the Norwegian photographer Audun Rikardsen as one of the photo guides…

Svalbard Photography Expedition Early Summer April 2018
Arctic Expedition April 2018 This year we decided to do an expedition while we still had some of the winter light conditions. In late April,…