Meet your guides

General manager and guide

Vide Brandt

Vide is our local Svalbard Guide. From April 2024 he also signed with us for being our General manager. With well over 15 years of residency he really is one of the long term inhabitants of the archipelago. He first visited Svalbard in 2001, and fell in love with the region straight away. After a few more trips visiting his family in Longyearbyen he moved there permanently in 2007 and has remained since. From an early stage he became infatuated with the local wildlife, landscape and history. He has been working full time as a guide for a decade, and has worked many different formats such as snowmobiling, ice caving, speedboats and especially expedition cruising. Onboard the ship he will give you lectures from his extensive experience and knowledge about the arctic region. He is also a very keen photographer who will work 150% to get your ship and your zodiac in the right position for every single wildlife opportunity.

Vide brandt