Booking information page

Booking information

Booking Inquiry for Svalbard Tour

Registration: You register by submitting deposit payment of NOK 20.000 to the bank account.

Bank account: 1503.71.05543


Bank address:
DNB NOR Bank Stjørdal, Kjøpmannsgata 13, 7500 Stjørdal, Norway

Please send your tour reservation from the Booking page and we will send you the booking form on email. Send in the completed reservation/booking form together with the payment and your booking will be confirmed. Both booking form and terms form have to be signed. The second and last payment of NOK 30.000,- have to be made within 2 months before departure. Private cancellation insurance should be purchased by all participants.

Booking Inquiry

  • Personal information

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Next of kin refers to a person's closest living blood relative.
  • Totals

  • Price: Kr 0,00
  • Payment

  • Kr 0,00
    Includes 3% non-refundable administration fee.
  • Terms and conditions

  • Arctic Wildlife Tours AS declare that this personal information will only be used as a part of a contract for our expeditions and for passenger lists which is demanded for safety reasons. After the expedition we will send out group pictures and tour descriptions to all participants.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.